Christmas Chocolate Bark with Neighbors
Chocolate (lots of it) toppings, good friends and children. At the moment I can't think of a much better combination of favorites...OH WAIT....change the children to girlfriends and add wine and cheese with the chocolate and you have another great combo. Either way....it still begins with chocolate. ;)
I'm a dark chocolate kind of gal. I'd like to think that it's because it's better for me but let's be realistic. For some reason milk chocolate doesn't give me quite the satisfaction as it use to and just seems like a waste of calories for me. Ha...yeah I'm a calorie counter of late. However, if you really know me you know that's not totally accurate either.
At any rate. I had a girlfriend come over with her kids and we made chocolate bark to give to our friends. I should probably rephrase that as well. My friend and I make bark, my husband watched our baby, and the children ate their "goop" of melted chocolate with toppings.
It was easy, inexpensive and fun to make. Let's not forget the quality point. Why waste time or energy on crap in my opinion. All very important variables to a mother of 3 under the age of 6.
Here's what we did.
Grease (sprayed) cookie sheets and then put parchment paper down (spray is for the parchment to stick)
use a double boiler (or a boil over a simmer pot of water)
add chocolate to the bowl and stir until melted
pour onto cookie sheets
put toppings on
Toppings that we used: marshmallows and graham crackers
nuts, candy cane,toasted coconut, dried apricots and craisins.
Refriderate for 1 hour....break apart and EAT!